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Who runs Remindful by Laura?
Profile picture of Laura Kurapkaite, founder of Remindful by Laura

Hi there! My name is Laura Kurapkaite and I am a Mindfulness coach, Yoga Teacher, Energy Healer based on Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy & Kabira Energetics as well as hold a MSc in medical science. Currently I am studying to become a therapist within integrative psychology and psychosynthesis.

Wave Remindful
Yoga & mindfulness

I  used to think I thrived in fast-paced environments and slowing down felt boring.

Over time, I learned that my body was used to be in constant fight-or-flight mode only because it was used to chaos and resting felt unusual and unsafe.

As I tried some yoga classes at the gym, I noticed how much calmer and more grounded I felt after each class. I became kinder to myself and was able to unwind deeper from my day. The process of exploring yoga sparked my curiosity to deepen my experience and opened my heart to trust the feeling and see where it guided me.

As I started meditating and deepened my yoga practice, I quickly noticed whole new layers of myself unraveling. I noticed how I could observe my thoughts, feelings, and emotions from a distance, and it became obvious to me that they are simply somethings that we have and can experience, but that our core being is so much deeper than that.

Mindfulness and yoga have opened a whole new view of the world for me, getting me on a deep inner journey of self-discovery. It has been helping me unblock my true self layer by layer, stripping away the conditioning I received growing up, liberating me from a strong identification with my thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Holistic Health

I’ve always been passionate about health and the way the human body works, which was the reason why I chose to study medical sciences and psychology at the university. Learning how the body works on a molecular level and how all the systems in our bodies collaborate to create optimal health has been very motivational for me to also take care of my own health in a holistic way.


Throughout my life I’ve experienced severe issues with digestion as well as had very strong allergies, skin sensitivities and hormonal imbalances.


Although I got some help from regular healthcare with managing my symptoms, I quickly noticed that they didn’t solve the core issues. I always loved to dig deeper, finding root causes, and trying to fix them. When I create optimal conditions for my body thrive, it heals itself.

There are so many ways to heal and the combination of several ones can give the most profound effects!


Through therapy, energy healing, yoga, meditation as well as changing my diet and exercise regime, I started witnessing and experiencing much more profound results than I could ever expect.


All this made me extremely passionate about holistic health.


By taking care of my body holistically and digging deep into the root causes, I no longer have issues with my stomach, my allergies and skin sensitivities are almost gone, and my hormones are in balance. Nowadays, when things go out of balance in my body, I can usually pinpoint the event that has caused it and know what I can do to make it better.



Therapy & Energy healing

The inner journey can become so much deeper when you have a wise guide who has done the work on themselves and can guide you through your inner world. With therapy within integrative psychology and psychosynthesis I've learnt about my unconscious patterns that were affecting how I think and behave and through that, peeling layer by layer to come closer to my true self, daring to shine my light to the fullest potential.

From my own experience with burnout, I’ve learnt that it is safe to rest and slow down, instead of running through my days like we do in our society and in this way learned to listen to the more subtle signals my body had been sending me all along. Therapy and energy healing have given me valuable tools in this.

I’ve been learning how to live with my body rather than against it.

The type of therapy within integrative psychology and psychosynthesis have been so profound in my life that I decided to study it and become a therapist myself. Currently I am studying year 2 out of 3 of the program.

Getting to know my own energy field has been a profound piece in a puzzle of teaching my body to stay safe in relaxation as well as teaching myself that it is safe to be in my body. The type of energy healing that I do is based on biodynamic craniosacral therapy, which is a form of healing that helps you to remove blockages, in order to recreate the healthy flow. Your body learns how to thrive and creates conditions for self-healing.

Personal life

I live in Åre together with my partner and run two companies - Remindful and studio LEVA.


Living in Stockholm my partner and I noticed that we thrived best surrounded by adventures and nature, so it became clear to us that we needed to try something different.  After having worked at a pharmaceutical company for almost two years, I decided to start changing my life direction and everything aligned right away. Having no responsibilities holding us back in Stockholm we decided to move to a small ski-resort town Åre in northern Sweden and try living there for a year as my partner changed his life direction from being an engineer to studying to become a wilderness guide and I started working full time with yoga and building my own businesses.


Almost two years later, we are still thriving surrounded by the mountains and adventure, although our dream is to also have more warmth and ocean in our lives soon. :)


My sessions are focused around self-compassion, nervous system regulation, boundary setting and holistic health, combined with ancient philosophies. 

Feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to connect!

Lots of love and remember to be mindful 

/Laura Kurapkaite

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